Smackdown NZ Moss & Broadleaf Herbicide

For the Control of Moss on Golf courses, Playing fields, Amenity areas and Lawns and to Improve the Control of hard-to-kill Broadleaf weeds

Smakdown NZ Moss & Broadleaf Herbicide was launched into the New Zealand turf market in 2009, and Smackdown NZ is still dominating Moss and hard-to-kill Broadleaf weeds.


Your Answer to Moss Control

Smackdown NZ is the standard for Moss control in the New Zealand turf industry.

Smackdown NZ is a turf herbicide that provides quick control of moss in fine turf, and will be a valuable tool to golf course superintendents and greenkeepers. Smackdown NZ works by inhibiting a key enzyme in moss chlorophyll production. It’s so effective that Smackdown NZ will reduce moss by over 90% when applied twice at a 14-day interval.

Highly Tolerable
Most importantly of all, Smackdown NZ won’t harm fine turf areas such as Bentgrass. It is also safe to use on Fine Fescue and Winter Grass.

Re-establish Bentgrass Quickly
Of course, the best defence against moss is a healthy, dense turf. Smackdown NZ is unique in that it leaves minimal residue. This allows for fast re-establishment of bentgrass, enabling golf course superintendents and greenkeepers to quickly replant/re-seed and break the moss opportunity cycle. With other products, you have to wait months before reseeding, leaving unsightly bald spots and allowing moss to re-establish in the voids.

Control Anytime You Need It
Unlike other products where temperature significantly impacts efficacy, Smackdown NZ is specially formulated to be effective in both cool and warm temperatures allowing moss control year-round as needed.

Features & Benefits - Moss Control

  • Best moss control product in the world
  • Control of moss all year round
  • No re-seeding restrictions following applications (quickly replant/reseed and break the moss cycle)
  • Controls 95% of all moss strains worldwide
  • Will reduce up to 90 percent of moss when applied twice at a 14-day interval
  • Broadleaf Weed Control


Controlling Hard-to-Kill Broadleaf weeds

Smackdown NZ is a non-residual, contact herbicide that is readily absorbed by green leaves and stems of broadleaf plants, with no translocation within the plant to roots or to other, unsprayed leaves. When used at the label rates, Hammer has no residual activity from herbicide that falls onto soil.

The active constituent in Smackdown NZ (Carfentrazone-ethyl) is a unique herbicidal molecule that interacts with the plant’s photosynthetic system to form highly active compounds. These compounds rupture the plant cell membranes, resulting in the cell contents leaking out which causes rapid cell death. Because this mode of action is connected with photosynthesis, sunlight is essential for expression of herbicidal activity.

Smackdown NZ is not translocated from where spray lands on susceptible green leaf and stem tissue. Broadleaf species are most sensitive, while grasses are usually unaffected.

Features & Benefits - Broadleaf Weed Control

  • Ideal tank mix product with Bow & Arrow NZ Herbicide to improve broadleaf spectrum efficacy
  • Improves broadleaf weed resistance management by having another mode of action in the tank
  • Effective against hard-to-kill broadleaf weeds
  • Suitable for use on broad acre areas such as turf farms, sporting fields, parks, ovals and fairways
  • Very low application rates of active ingredient


Active Constituent


Activity Group

  • Group G Herbicide


  • EC - Emulsifiable Concentrate

Pack Sizes

  • 1L  
