Azoxy 250 SC NZ Fungicide

For the Control of a range of turf diseases in Golf courses, Playing fields, Amenity areas and Lawns

Azoxy 250 SC NZ Fungicide (active constituent Azoxystrobin) is an effective xylem systemic fungicide that delivers excellent protection for up to 28 days against a wide spectrum of turf diseases. Disease controlled includes Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Winter Fusarium, Grey Leaf Spot, Helminthosporium, Pythium and Red Thread.

Azoxystrobin is transported acropetally (upwards) in the xylem. This systemic translocation and translaminar movement combined contributes to even distribution and longevity of the active ingredient within the plant tissue.

Azoxystrobin is a member of the strobiluron fungicides group, and acts on the fungal pathogen outside and inside the plant at the early stages of infection and stop disease development by interfering with ATP biosynthesis in fungal mitochondria.

Azoxystrobin has excellent protective activity; best results will be achieved when Azoxy 250 SC NZ Fungicide is applied prior to infection as a preventative. Preventative dictates that application begins when conditions are favourable for disease infection and at the very beginning of disease infection. When first symptoms are already visible Azoxy 250 SC NZ Fungicide should be tank-mixed with a suitable early curative fungicide.

Features and Benefits

  • low odour
  • no petroleum solvent - increased turf safety


Azoxy 250 SC NZ Fungicide is compatible with the following active constituents;

  • chlorothalonil
  • propiconazole
  • iprodione
  • trinexapac-ethyl (i.e. Astro 250 EC NZ Growth Regulator)

Tank mixing Azoxy 250 SC NZ Fungicide with chlorothalonil will improve the efficacy by acting on two fronts. Chlorothalonil acts as a contact fungicide on the outside of leaves, preventing new infections. Azoxy 250 SC NZ Fungicide will protect systemically on the inside of leaves.

The longevity of fungicides is generally extended when used in conjunction with a growth regulation programme of trinexapac-ethyl (Astro 250 EC NZ Growth Regulator).

Active Constituent


Activity Group

  • Group 11 Fungicide


  • SC - Suspension Concentrate

Pack Sizes

  • 5L  
